Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Coming to together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, Working together is success
- Henry Ford.

In the jet age, I’m pretty sure you have heard and read enough on this topic and you are bored stiff. I can bet you are saying right now that “what else is new that I haven’t heard or read”, and you are about to drop or flip over the page to see more interesting issues.

Unfortunately, this is not like any other article you have read infact this is more of a way of life. So before you do flip over, please do me a favour by hearing me out, will you, because here right, now is a place for you to start?
Why are we interested in increasing performance anyway? This is a suppose to be a blog so why i'm writing about this. Yea, this is a blog......if you read my first blog i said my blog is about everything and anything as long as it helps pass a good message. There’s got to be a reason, right? It all balls down to the motive behind why one wants to increase the performance. Besides, we all need to know and understand one or two things about increasing performance because we all need it in every aspects of our lives. Understanding how we can be productive in life is important to every one who yearns for growth in life.
So, i will sharing few ideas and tips on this topic because it's one wide and controversial topic.
Knowing who we are and our composition as humans we need to understand that increasing productivity our motives are not selfish. Researchers in human behaviour have identified some important characteristics in humans and they include the following:

Every being is different even twins that came out of the same womb are not only genetically different but emotional, physically, in every ramification you can think of, different. That’s why you can have two people doing the same different but a different way. That’s how it is and that’s how it will ever be. Traits could be same but behaviour won’t.

Humans are the most complicated out of all things God created. He (Humans) can never be understood in the total sense of it.

Because humans are complicated they become unpredictable. That’s the reason the person you know today might not be the same person tomorrow. I know for one that I’m not the same person I was 10years back, for good or bad, that’s another story completely so don't break your head.....lol.

This one I wouldn’t have to say much except “Hands up, if guilty as charged”. We are, in often times, just want things to happen without lifting a finger.

I guess we all believe in “me, myself and I” syndrome. 'I love you guys but I need to love myself first, so I can love you better'.

This is anti-human so we fight anything in that light. Why should I leave my comfort-zone for an unknown, are you out of your senses? 'Why change it besides it is better this way'.

Realizing what humans are, should help place one in a better perspective of what one wants to achieve. When we think that, to increase employees’ performance all depends on the employees, then we have totally missed it because their performance depends largely on the boss or the employer. Sounds different? It is the employer that influences at least 70% of any employees’ performance. Why? That’s so because you can not use rules to make people do what you want without first making them understand that performance – be it good or bad – is a way of life.

For an employer to influence the performance of employees he needs to possess some essential qualities.
Understanding the right type of leader you are, is most important because with this you can influence your employees a lot better. To understand your leadership style, you could start by asking yourself and answering these questions truthfully.

1. Does my leadership style support or against employees’ performance?
2. Am I communicating effectively to enhance their performance?
3. Do I motivate or de-motivate my employees?
4. Do I know and understand my employee temperament?

To truly influence the performance of an employee, an employer must exhibit visionary leadership characters.

So you ask, “Who is a visionary leader?”

A visionary leader is someone who engages his followers and takes them beyond mere reward and punishment. In order words, a visionary leader is a “TEAM PLAYER”. He knows the importance of TEAMWORK. He knows and understands that he needs his employees and that without them he can not get the work done.
A visionary leader is someone with vision and can make his employees understand and not just understanding his/her vision but makes them to see it very clearly with him/her. He motivates them to look beyond the mundane activities of the job and encourages them to think independently and creatively which in turns gives them a sense of belonging and trust in the organization.
But most importantly, he recognizes the fact that his employees are human beings and acts as a mentor to them.
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has”.

The fact is that must leader fail to define the team they want to build because they fail to understand how to create the experience of teamwork. They keep talking about building the team and working as a team but forget the essential things. Belonging to a team is a result of feeling part of something larger than you. It has a lot to do with understanding the mission and objective of the organization and aligning your personal fulfillment goals with the organization’s goals.

Once you have identified that you are a visionary leader then you will require the following for influencing your employees’ performance.

1. Ensuring that each employee understands the organization mission and objective and why their role is very important to the achievement of the company’s mission and objective.

2. Ensuring that they perceive their service as valuable to the organization and to their career.

3. Recruiting the right people and equipping them with the right tools to do the right things. This gives the right attitude which supports them to accomplish the set mission.

4. Ensuring that they understand the need for coordination and the need for effective cross-function and multi-department relationship. That No Successful and Good Man is an Island.

5. Giving them the freedom and empowerment to express themselves and ensuring that working together is the key.

6. Establishing a good channel for communication for receiving honest performance feedback and to channel conflicts if need arises.

7. Encouraging creative thinking and individuality and rewarding the same if positive.

8. Providing and encouraging trainings, education, access to books and field trips to stimulate the right thinking that will influence their performance.

9. Ensuring that they understand and feel responsible and accountable for achievements and are rewarded and recognized when successful.

10. Mostly importantly, the organization should recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of its employees in terms of better performance.

With all this in place, pull my ears if this doesn’t increase and boost the performance and the attitude of your employees. But before you pull my ears off, let me say this works with a little patience from both sides of the coin.

So, I leave you with this last word by H.E LUCCOCK who says that; “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it”.

So, Peace n out

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Gal's Dairy 04

Can you keep a secret? I bet you this one is the best secret of the year, so can you, keep a secret? It will be our secret....and ours only. Come closer and listen. But first, let me explain something to you.

Life has got a way of dishing things at you whether you want them or not. It has a mind of its own but most of us think, rather than not, we can help it in its decision making.
For example, I had always wanted to be a medical doctor....science had always had a way of awaking my curiosity. But my personality craves for beauty, creativity and peace. However, i ended up doing something else. Being a medical doctor was my own decision and i walked in the light of that but it was contrary to what Life had and still has in store for me.

Life is beautiful.....but as the saying goes, it only in the eyes of it beholder.

Similarly, i nurture and lived in a love (infact two) that wasn't meant for me and as Life will always do, it has its own plans. Funnily, its plan always work out beautifully and perfectly.

Lately, i have been opportuned to see Life in a clearer light. Life is what you make of it. The plan is all set just your reaction to it is what triggers it in motion.

We walk in paths that look real to us and the thing is that they are mostly illusions. Now i see clearly that we don't choose what Life gives us, however, we choose the way we react to it.
Yes, you could say i'm in cloud nine ;) and i don't want to come back. And believe me, it's the best place to be. All these years i've be blinded by things i thought were right for me. Yes, Life really knows how to play jokes. Funnily, i'm enjoying this one. If only and only if, we could stop for half a second and put aside our delusions and be a bit logical. We will see that Life is really, really beautiful.
I see my relationship(s) with clearer eyes. It has no expectations and no limitations. It's a soul free experience. My course has changed and i'm allowing the wind of Life sail me to the promise land....ah! it's MY promise land. Not what YOU think or know to be my promise land. So zip it, your opinion not required, thank you!!
It's a path of Life i've chosen.....good or bad, it's my choice and my Way. I will march with it....love and cherish it because it is the essence of Life. Never again will i let people, society and culture determine who and what i am or not. I am REAL and TRUE.....to me. I AM ME!!

Life gift to me is MY DESTINY! I will hold on to it, cherish and nourish it.

I'M Gentlehawk!
Lock down!!!