Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Too fast too slow

Okay guys, have ever taken a step in your life and wish you hadn't because really, if you had waited a little bit longer, it would have been much better.
So you can hear, life laugh and say, "In your face"...

Now you guys know that I'm a wreck-kinda-person waiting to happen, and it is doesn't take that long for me to end up doing the stupidest thing, right? 

So anyways, I had this not too serious issue for a long while, was hoping that it will come to an end and God knows, I tried to stick it this one out this time but with each passing day, my hope of an end begins to diminish and subconsciously I began to seek a way out to solving this problem by myself just in case. And I believe a lot of people call that "plan B" or "Back up plan".
And as the days pass, the more agitated I became. I believed I said to myself, "God will work it out and the solution to my problems is just around the corner", yet the more I think I said that, the more I tried to generate a plan B.

It is in fact very amazing when we human think we have the answers to every life situations. We say we can do it all by ourselves, we do not need anyone's help. We say to ourselves, "I'm smart, intelligent and brilliant. I have a degree, or better still a masters, no, the best of it all, is that I have a PhD. So what can't i do? I can make it work...I can solve the problem ALL BY MYSELF! Besides, the solution to the problem coming from above is just too slow for me".

The truth of the matter is that, that very point when we decide to make use of our plan B or back up plan, we are usually so close to getting our solution or answers but because we are not patient, we tend to mess up the cycle.
Seriously when people say patience is a virtue...I usually laugh but the truth is that it really is a virtue. Looking around us today we can see the consequences of impatience in every area of man's endeavor.

So as I was saying, I had formulated a back up plan and was working at it to see how I can implement it. Going all out to get resources and materials to help bring to life my solution. Hmmm, I felt so smart and independent. I felt well finally the wait is almost over.

But the truth is, it is indeed almost over but I didn't know it. I didn't know that if indeed I decide to go ahead with my plan, I am about to throw a wedge into the actual plan and increase my waiting period.
Well, God been so good I didn't go ahead with my plan, not that I didn't want to but basically because He intervened in the situation just in the nick of time, so I didn't get the time to.
My thought is He is getting tired of fixing my mess but instead it is better preventing me from them. And I totally agree, sometimes I wonder why I am so mess-prone. ;)

Anyways, in the end everything worked out well which made me think why do we move faster then out time. Why are we impatient despite the history has always proven otherwise. You answer your own questions! 
Too fast, too slow...just perfect. Peace out

Strawberry kisses
Your gal
Real Gentlehawk