Sunday, June 26, 2016


In a restaurant, sitting by my self, mind my our damn business like a good lady I think I am, these two ladies walked in. All loud and all, acting like "Hey y'all, notice me pleaseeeeeeeee don't you think I'm pretty , well, on a Jesus Day I pretend that nothing is wrong and just give the sweetest smile. But this day wasn't a Jesus Day and my church mind wasn't functioning. 
I was about to shhh, those ladies to please be a little civilized or pretend to be at least but d'maitre beat me to it.

But really, I ask, what is beauty? 
The definition of beauty differ from person to person. Ain't people say, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder?
Looking at these two ladies, hmm well, they are not hurtful to the eye. But truth be told somewhere not to far, is yet another lady who will definitely beat these ladies hands down. 
So if you think you are a beauty, here is a wake up call for ya! There will be someone somewhere out there, that is more beautiful than you and to make it worse, will come with the total how about that? In your face! 

That's why I don't understand or get it, why some people bully others because of the way they look, colour of their skin or even their belief. It simply shows how shallow the mind of man is. Just sad.
Really if only people understand that we are all ugly and beautiful at the same time, they would understand that the prettiest of us all, still has a prettier person to make us feel ugly.
For me, beauty is like a bowl of beautifully made salad, veg or fruits, it don't matter, without all the various forms the veg/fruits salad will be just another tomatoes or Apple.
You get the point?
Just the fact that one is different is beauty to me. 

So let me also illustrate it to your this way, there is this guy who thinks he is all that. Bought this amazing car, built this magnificent house, even married the hot 'chick'. Only that ten or even maybe twenty years down the line, the car, big house and even the girl, are irrelevant because someone else is in town with a much better car, much bigger house and hotter chick! Nothing lasts, NOTHING! Even those people who spend their money rebuilding themselves in the name of so call plastic surgery (the word is REBUILD - So apology to those who actually need it medically to FIX  one thing or the other).

The way we see ourselves will forever fade, there will always be someone or something out there, much better.
It's called evolving and recreating!
I really don't know if humans are meant to learn from the past, obviously I don't think so.

Stay true and real to yourself.
Don't be the cheap version of your original!
Real Gentlehawk 

Thursday, June 9, 2016


Having kids is the most amazing experience for anyone who have them. Whether you are tight-ass person, a thug, straight or crooked, rich or poor, whoever you are, seeing your kid for the very first time, bring up some unexpected emotions in you, you never thought you had. Yep! A kid can do that to you. 
Now, don't think I don't know there are some off - people (here I put a question mark), who have traded their hearts for rocks - this very people never get any reaction from this experience - well, all I can say is, 'Y'all need Jesus!

So back to the real and true kids can make a 300pound man behave silly or even force an irresponsible guy to grow up.  So you get the gist, right? 
Becoming a parent forces us to reevaluate our own relationship with our parents (the lucky ones who still have theirs around) and we then begin to see everything they did for us or to us through a parent's eye and not through a child's.
Here is the thing, being a parent is a privilege and even more being a parent in this technological century is a great blessing.

However having said that, parenting in century is the hardest and most challenging thing ever. Is it the drugs, cults, bullying, identity manipulation, sexuality and sexual orientation,social pressure, cultural diversity, looks, education etc, the list is unending and to top it up, the world is new a global village. So now you have more pressure and problems not only from your immediate society but the big world.
The days of 'It takes a village to train a child is fast becoming over'. Trust issues are becoming the norm.
Not to forget that kids these days are smarter and wiser...thanks to Google - the brain most parents don't have. How can I motivate my child to study hard in school just like my parents did, by telling me the oldest trick in the book. Remember when our parents use to say, 'I always took first position in school, never second'. But you can't use that, now that everyone's results are just a click away. Parents these days are so confused and delusional when it come to their kids. There's the question, "should I be a friend or a manager or a parent? 
Yet the greatest gift this century brings is technology has also made it easy...not easier, to bring up a child.

All it takes is modesty and balance. Giving a child a balanced life.
Parenting is sure becoming tougher as the years roll by, but the amazing thing is that once done rightly it is the most rewarding and beautiful thing ever.
So shout out to all the 21st century and beyond Parents, thank you for being so true and real. YOU ALL ROCK!