Zzzzzzz!!! I decided to try things my way this time. No taking orders or thoughts from anyone except me. Who cares if i am wrong or right? It is called SPONTANEOUS!!! It's called been ME!
Over the years, I've let things, people, situations, challenges, environment dictate to me how to and should live my life. So, now I'm saying, no more calling out..... to this gal. I choose to be me and no one else.....I'm blessed to have wonderful yet not perfect people around me who love me for me. And also thankful for the fact that there are, so called people, who say they are friends but are yet to understand the meaning of the word. Who are so nice and happy with you as long as they take from you and are incredibly the opposite when things are not the way they want it to be.
So, I am asking who need friends, who need people, who need family and who needs YOU?
Crazy as it seems, the answer is ME, ME, ME!!!! We all need someone.....it is how we are built and programmed; and nothing can replace that need except we fill it with precious and priceless people. FRIENDS.
Heard it all from the so called friends....why are true friends so hard to find in this time and age? Is it that people are now self-centred or is it that true friendship don't mean much anymore...well they say "since i can do by myself, thank you very much" or is it that we aren't looking at the right people or is it that we are looking at the right people for the wrong reasons. But really, friendship is one thing in Life i will always thank God for.
Friendship has help sharpen our lives whichever way we look at it....good or bad. Friendship amongst family member, tribe, strangers, peers, colleagues etc, this undeserving and strange bond takes place.
It's one thing that happens every day yet we do not take it seriously.It moulds us or it breaks us. We let it come in quietly and let it slip away without a second glance. Just a few take it seriously, guide with every breathe, keep it close to their heart, cherish it and nurture it daily through out their life time.
We all long for it.....but we hardly work for it. We grave for it yet do nothing about it. We give up on it when we are faced with issues that overwhelm us. We throw in the towel and say, "What the hell! I can do it on my own....whichever way i want".
We get uncomfortable when it challenges our actions, policies, what makes us thick and most of all, who we are and what we really stand for.
But we usually forget that this is what moulds us into something or ....rather someone special. In order words, our friends(Relationships) define us....and what we stand for.
An adage said, "Show me your friends and i will tell you who you are".
If you want a change in life than i strongly advice you change your friends (Relationship).
So, I'll tell you who you are once i meet your friends because they help us keep it real and true.
Therefore, to know me, please do me a favour, check out my FRIENDS. I love my friends because we love KEEPING IT REAL 'N' TRUE!
Bye For NowGentlehawk
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