Not until last week while a couple of my friends and I were discussing some issues facing the young adults of today that the phrase came to mind again.
Śādī – love the Hindu word for marriage. I love the way it's pronounced.
Marriage, a very sensitive yet exciting topic that most people forget that it is not just all about the D-day but the moments after the D-day that is the real deal.

Though the statistic of divorce rate in the world right now is dropping but few years ago the high rate was so alarming to the extent that a lot of young adults would rather have a relationship known as what my mother would call "Why get the cow when you are getting the milk" kind of arrangement. It was safer that way, young adults weren't longer risk takers.

Everywhere you look, there is always a failed marriage, reminding you that "You had better play it smart and safe or you are going to get hurt". As my friends and i continued with our discussion, we discovered that the reasons why there are a lot of failed marriages which most times end up in divorce, is that people fail at communicating.
Now, kindly let me explain what i mean by this form of communicate, because it is definitely different from the usual communication required of any couple.
This form of communication requires one to talk about all crazy stuff before, during and after marriage and the interesting part is that this communication is not only with your spouse but with people around you. Where best can one get information if not from people who have been there and done that. Someone once said that "You can't know more than the OLD, because the OLD has more experience at being YOUNG and being OLD, whereas the YOUNG only has experience at being YOUNG".
What i am trying to say is, A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHT and maybe it may save a life or two and help bring joy to homes.
Many at times, i hear married women/men hide by lying about their marriage. They pretend that all is well and rosy, knowing well that it isn't. This makes me wonder why they do what they do?
Don't they realise that they are kind of an ambassador to that institution called marriage? Don't they realise that some group of people are watching to learn and see how it is done? Or maybe, it is just out of spite to those who aren't married, or maybe they just want them to make the same mistakes, so that the world would be a better place.
Whatever the reason, A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHT. Please make sense of what marriage is by discussing what you are going through with 'us' and maybe 'we' won't be as judgemental about it as we are.
We live in a world that is so hypocritical of a lot of stuff and due to that people aren't true to themselves any longer. And how would they, when the society will be so quick to judge them. The truth is that Marriage is like training a child - an old african adage says that "a woman gives birth to a child be the whole town helps to train that child".

So again, i ask pleading, A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHT!!!!
Real n True