Friday, February 5, 2021

The importance of light

Hi guys,

I will like to talk about something that is so important to everyone however not readily available to many.

Let's talk about the importance of Light and light therapy?
Yes, you heard me right!
Light and Light therapy.

The truth is that living in a third world country like Nigeria, light, also known as electricity, is a luxury that many don't have. Mind you not that they can't afford it but the government refuse to supply enough to go around and most importantly, constant.

So haven't said this, I would like to talk about the importance of Light and why light therapy is needed in a country like mine.

Even the world was created to have both light and darkness. Light is energy and it is used for everything under the sun. For food processing, for chemical reactions both in plants and animals etc. If you ask how, then this blog isn't for you.

Anyway, light from the sun was the first light, then man discovered fire, and yet again discovered electricity.
If light was important to the existence of human, many years of innovation will not be needed.

What is light therapy?

Light therapy, also known as phototherapy, is a treatment in which you’re exposed to an artificial light source. The therapy primarily treats major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns (formerly known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD). This is a type of depression that occurs during a certain time of year, usually winter. Light is also used to treat other conditions, including sleep disorders and other types of depression.

How it works

Typically, light therapy is meant to compensate for the lack of exposure to sunlight that is thought to be linked to major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns. You’ll sit near a light box, which emits strong light. The light usually mimics natural sunlight, but there can be variations. A unit of measure called a lux gauges the amount of light used in a treatment. The standard output of a light box is between 2,500 and 10,000 lux.

Treatments usually begin in the fall and continue until early spring. Sessions commonly last from 10 to 15 minutes. The length of the session depends on how well you handle the treatment and the strength of the light box. Someone new to the method may be given shorter initial treatments. The more powerful the light box, the shorter the treatment session can be.

Why light therapy is effective is still being studied. One theory is that light naturally triggers the production of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is the “feel-good” brain chemical. Some experts believe that success with light therapy is due to a placebo effect.

Side effects

There are side effects to light therapy, including headache and sunburn. Usually, these are not serious. Most side effects can be dealt with by adjusting the duration and intensity of the sessions. Other treatments that can alleviate side effects include:

eye drops

nasal drops


If you’re considering this therapy, you should consult a physician if you have any of the following conditions:

sensitive skin

eye conditions

a history of skin cancer

Pros of light therapy

Light therapy has many positive aspects. The treatment can also be done at home using rented or purchased light boxes.

Light therapy is




associated with few or mild side effects

Cons of light therapy

The negative aspects of light therapy are the side effects and complications that can occur. These include:





dry eyes and nose

hypomania, an extended period of heightened mood

What the expert says

Dr. Carl Vincent, a psychologist in Moline, Illinois, suggests that light therapy be used with other treatments, such as psychotherapy or a drug regimen. “The idea is that it could be used as a supplemental therapy,” Vincent says. “In addition to treatment, people suffering from depression in the winter months should try to be more active. Winter is a time when people tend to be more sedentary, and getting more exercise can help improve mood.”

The takeaway

Light therapy is used to treat major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns, sleep disorders, and other types of depression. It is often effective, though doctors do not know exactly why. It can have a number of side effects, most of which can be effectively alleviated. Talk to your doctor if you feel light therapy might be useful for you.


Hey guys, On the last post we talked about depression.We looked at what depression is and instances of depression. Here, we are going to look at the causes, types and likely treatments of depression.
What Causes Depression? There are a number of factors that may increase the chance of depression, including the following: • ABUSE: Past physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can increase the vulnerability to clinical depression later in life. With an increase in rape cases and domestic abuses across Nigeria, no wonder the rate of depression continue to increase. • CERTAIN MEDICATIONS: Some drugs, such as isotretinoin (used to treat acne), the antiviral drug interferon-alpha, and corticosteroids, can increase your risk of depression. • CONFLICT: Depression in someone who has the biological vulnerability to develop depression may result from personal conflicts or disputes with family members or friends. • DEATH OR A LOSS: Sadness or grief from the death or loss of a loved one, though natural, may increase the risk of depression. • GENETICS: A family history of depression may increase the risk. It's thought that depression is a complex trait, meaning that there are probably many different genes that each exert small effects, rather than a single gene that contributes to disease risk. The genetics of depression, like most psychiatric disorders, are not as simple or straightforward as in purely genetic diseases such as Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis. • MAJOR EVENTS: Even good events such as starting a new job, graduating, or getting married can lead to depression. So can moving, losing a job or income, getting divorced, or retiring. With the advert of coronavirus, people are losing loved ones, losing their jobs, homes, businesses and so on. However, the syndrome of clinical depression is never just a "normal" response to stressful life events. • OTHER PERSONAL PROBLEMS: Problems such as social isolation due to other mental illnesses or being cast out of a family or social group can contribute to the risk of developing clinical depression. • SERIOUS ILLNESSES: Sometimes depression co-exists with a major illness or may be triggered by another medical condition. • SUBSTANCE ABUSE: Nearly 30% of people with substance abuse problems also have major or clinical depression.
Some forms of depression are slightly different, or they may develop under unique circumstances, such as: 1. PERSISTENT DEPRESSIVE DISORDER (also called dysthymia) is a depressed mood that lasts for at least two years. A person diagnosed with persistent depressive disorder may have episodes of major depression along with periods of less severe symptoms, but symptoms must last for two years to be considered persistent depressive disorder. 2. POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION is much more serious than the “baby blues” (relatively mild depressive and anxiety symptoms that typically clear within two weeks after delivery) that many women experience after giving birth. Women with postpartum depression experience full-blown major depression during pregnancy or after delivery (postpartum depression). The feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion that accompany postpartum depression may make it difficult for these new mothers to complete daily care activities for themselves and/or for their babies. 3. PSYCHOTIC depression occurs when a person has severe depression plus some form of psychosis, such as having disturbing false fixed beliefs (delusions) or hearing or seeing upsetting things that others cannot hear or see (hallucinations). The psychotic symptoms typically have a depressive “theme,” such as delusions of guilt, poverty, or illness. 4. SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER is characterized by the onset of depression during the winter months, when there is less natural sunlight. This depression generally lifts during spring and summer. Winter depression, typically accompanied by social withdrawal, increased sleep, and weight gain, predictably returns every year in seasonal affective disorder. 5. BIPOLAR DISORDER is different from depression, but it is included in this list is because someone with bipolar disorder experiences episodes of extremely low moods that meet the criteria for major depression (called “bipolar depression”). But a person with bipolar disorder also experiences extreme high – euphoric or irritable – moods called “mania” or a less severe form called “hypomania.” If you have been experiencing some of the following signs and symptoms most of the day, nearly every day, for at least two weeks, you may be suffering from depression: • Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood • Feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism • Irritability • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness • Loss of interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities • Decreased energy or fatigue • Moving or talking more slowly • Feeling restless or having trouble sitting still • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions • Difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping • Appetite and/or weight changes • Thoughts of death or suicide, or suicide attempts • Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems without a clear physical cause and/or that do not ease even with treatment Not everyone who is depressed experiences every symptom. Some people experience only a few symptoms while others may experience many. Several persistent symptoms in addition to low mood are required for a diagnosis of major depression, but people with only a few – but distressing – symptoms may benefit from treatment of their “subsyndromal” depression. The severity and frequency of symptoms and how long they last will vary depending on the individual and his or her particular illness. Symptoms may also vary depending on the stage of the illness Though there are multiple types of depression, many of them have similar recognizable symptoms. Experiencing some combination of these symptoms for a period of at least two weeks likely signifies that you are in the midst of a depressive episode.
TREATMENT Any treatment for depression should coincide with a healthy diet and regular sleep schedule. It may sound simplistic, but the importance of taking care of your body cannot be overstated. There are various methods you could use to sooth the symptoms of depression. All of us could stand to exercise more often, but exercise is especially helpful for the depressed mind. It enables you to better handle stress, and the endorphins released during exercise give you a mental boost. Aside from the mental health benefits, reports have shown that physical activity helps you sleep better at night. Yoga is a more accessible form of exercise, because it doesn’t require equipment and because many of the moves and poses do not require much effort. Meditation is a highly effective way of clearing your head and calming your body. It’s also easy to do, with guided meditations available through phone apps, online in text and videos, and in books. If you enjoy keeping a journal, you may find that it helps to express your thoughts on paper instead of bottling them inside. It’s helpful to have close friends and family who you can confide in, but they’re not always available or may be dealing with stress of their own. This makes keeping a journal a good idea to have an alternate way to vent. Therapy with anyone from a guidance counselor to a certified therapist can work wonders, and many may prefer therapy to the medication route. Situational depression especially can be relieved, by having a way to get everything off your chest and receive practical advice. For a more hands-on approach, try experts like psychiatrists or psychologists. They offer many types of therapy, from light therapy (check next post on this) for Seasonal Affective Disorder to cognitive behavioral therapy that works to change your thought processes. Other alternatives include drinking special teas or taking supplements. The properties of green tea and chamomile tea give a calming effect. There is no shame in taking medication to manage your depression. People routinely take medication for physical ailments, and a mental illness isn’t any different. If you’re worried about the possible side effects, call your doctor to discuss them. Any medication can be tapered down or ceased, and there are different types available to suit your individual needs and chemistry. Remember that recovery is a journey, not a destination. Bad days will still come, but with well-targeted treatment, you should be able to overcome extreme lows. While science has yet to find a cure for mental disorders such as depression, it is entirely possible to live a happy and fulfilling life in spite of it. Remember, no storm, not even the one in your life can last forever. The storm is just passing over. Stay Connected Real and True You Gal, Gentlehawk

Thursday, February 4, 2021


Hey guys, Would like to talk about something that has been bugging me for some time now. Maybe because this specific issue has been making headlines lately or maybe because I have had my own share of it or maybe it is because it’s been with us for such a long time, yet we refuse to talk about it. But before I start, here is a disclaimer. I am not qualified medically to give advice. All information stated has been through personal experience, research and professional opinions. So don’t crucify me. Also this is a part 1 of a part 2 series.
DEPRESSION!!! The silent killer and it’s taking more lives than any war or disease combined. Many a times, I hear people say stuff like, "Why is he depressed, he/she is rich or has a job or is married or has children or has everything I want? He/She's just tripping". If only they know and understand that been depressed is not out of wants/needs - But a state of mind. But firstly let’s take a look at what depression is. Depression (majorly known as depressive disorder or clinical depression) is a common but serious mood disorder. It causes severe symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. To be diagnosed with depression, the symptoms must be present for at least two weeks. Being depressed often feels like carrying a very heavy burden, but you are not alone in this struggle. Millions of people suffer from some form of depression every year, making it one of the most common mental disorders in the world. Depression knows no gender, race, colour, status etc. More than 9mill cases per year in Nigeria alone and these statistics are growing by the minute. Though depression is treatable by a medical profession, if caught early and the patient is willing. Kindly note KEYWORD – CAUGHT EARLY AND WILLING PATIENT. Medium term is resolved within months, which usually requires a medical diagnosis.
So, back to my home country Nigeria, according to an article written by Stanley Akpunonu for the Guardian newspaper to commemorate the world health day in 2018, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)-Suicide Research and Prevention Initiative (SURPI) in collaboration with Medical and Dental Council Association of Nigeria (MDCN) and Association of Psychiatrist of Nigeria (APN) have continued to raise awareness on how depression can be curtailed so as to avert increasing cases of suicide. Consultant Psychiatrist Yaba, Dr. Taiwo Akindipe, in his remark said depression is an illness that is treatable and contrary to popular belief, it is not due to weakness, and it is not something you can wish away. It is important to know at what time you will draw the line. When we look at depression, it is related to mood; we have range of emotions fluctuate. It is normal to feel sad, but how do you know depression is about to set in. Core symptoms of depression involve lost of interest in known hobby and loss of energy. Tired of participating in actions he derives joy from. Not all symptoms come at a time. Other symptoms include: • Unable to sleep • Not getting enough sleep or sleeping too much • Loss of appetite for food and if it persists one begin to lose weight • Total loss of interest in sexual relationship
If a student finds it difficult to concentrate, they might have symptoms that can affect the thinking and they begin to feel guilty of imaginary things. A Child Psychiatrist at LUTH, Dr. Yewande Oshodi, said children and adolescent due to stages in development go through depression and it comes in children with change of behaviour, like not wanting to go to school and physical symptoms like stomach pain and head ache. It actually switches to a time they begin to take care of themselves by self-medicating or alcohol. Dr. Oshodi said it is important we talk about depression because risk of suicide is high in children; she encouraged parents and guardian to explore their feelings with them that they could be passing through, peer pressure, bully or the child might be going through abuse. It is worth noting that attempted suicide is more in women but completed suicide is more in men because men act like all is well but women might want to discuss about the problem.
Click this link to take a test to determine whether if you are battling depression. The good news is that one can overcome it. And to overcome it, one needs to first understand that the road to recovery is a marathon and not a sprint. It is a day at a time. And the road to recovery is relative as the time. In the concluding part of this series, we will look at what are the likely causes of depression, types of depressions and likely treatments. Remember, you are strong, you are beautiful, you are resilient, you are loved, you are capable, you are not weak, you are not defected, you are not weird, you are awesome, you are YOU! Stay Connected Real and True You Gal, Gentlehawk

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Hey guys,

One of the most common household disinfectants is hydrogen peroxide, or chemically speaking, H2O2.

I am pretty sure that we all have a bottle of it in your medicine cabinet.

However, many of us know the medical use of hydrogen peroxide, but alot of people don't even know that there are tons of other ways you can use this disinfectant in your home?

So let's start with General Health.

General health 

For Sinus infection:
Add a tablespoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide to water, and you have a solution for your sinus infections.

For Cleaning and healing wounds: These are one of the most common use of hydrogen peroxide.
You need the same 3% solution that you used for the sinus infection. Apply it to the affected area to get rid of acne and boils. 

For treating acne:
While you are healing wounds, you can also treat acne, speeding up the healing process by applying the 3% solution to the infected area.

Fight foot fungus:
By using a solution of equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide.

Bad Breath:
If you cannot get rid of bad breath by brushing your teeth, you can always use mouthwash made out of hydrogen peroxide, as the solution kills the bacteria and unhealthy organisms in your mouth that cause the bad breath.

Tooth decay:
Toothache is another mouth condition that hydrogen peroxide can help with. Gargle few minutes with the solution in your mouth.

Common Cold:
Some people use hydrogen peroxide to relieve cold symptoms by dropping it in the ear.

Ear Infections:
Well, the same treatment can be used for treating ear infections.
Speaking of it, you can mix hydrogen peroxide and vinegar to prevent “swimmer’s ear”, or ear infections after swimming.

Yeast Infection:
As mentioned previously, the solution kills bacteria, and if you didn’t know by now, yeast infections are caused by bacteria and fungus.

In the Kitchen

* Clean your countertop and cutting board by adding hydrogen peroxide to a spray bottle. Spray on the surface you want to clean, wait few minutes for the solution to kill and bubble away some nasty stains and bacteria, and then wipe with cloth.

* Clean your refrigerator and dishwasher with a similar approach. Since hydrogen peroxide is not toxic, you can use it for places where you store food. Just spray the surfaces, and after few minutes, clean it with a cloth.

* Remove baked crud from pans by combining hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Prepare a paste, and then rub the paste onto the dirty pots and pans. Let it stay for a while, and scrub it off with a sponge and warm water.

* You can also clean your sponges with hydrogen peroxide, by soaking them in a mixture of equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide for 10 minutes.

* Keep your salad fresh by combining half a cup of water with one tablespoon of food-grade hydrogen peroxide. Spray the mixture on the salad, and it can stay good for more than just one night.

In the House

* Clean your mirrors by spraying hydrogen peroxide on the mirrors, and wipe it down after few minutes with a paper towel.

*Any of us just hate to clean your toilet bowl, but with hydrogen peroxide, it is extremely easy. Let it stand inside for twenty minutes, and then scrub with toilet brush. Flush, and that is it!

* Your tiles are another area you can clean by using hydrogen peroxide. For this solution, you need hydrogen peroxide and flour. Apply the paste to the tiles, cover it with a plastic wrap, and let it stay overnight. Rinse your tiles the next morning.

Beauty Treatments

* Teeth Whitening:
The same way you use hydrogen peroxide for toothache, you can use it to whiten your teeth. It is a triple effect, with both health and beauty benefits. You can treat toothache, get rid of bad breath, and whiten your teeth in the same time.
Since hydrogen peroxide kills bacteria, you can effectively use it as a deodorant as well.
Just mix a solution of 1:2 ratio with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap, leave it for 30 minutes under your armpits, and then rinse it off.

* Natural Bleach:
Hydrogen peroxide is a natural bleacher, so it can also be used to whiten your nails, the same way you use it to whiten your hair or teeth. Simply soak cotton balls in hydrogen peroxide and dab them onto your nails. If you want that perfectly graduated light hair, use hydrogen peroxide by mixing equal parts of the disinfectant and water. Spray the solution into your hair, and distribute it evenly with the use of a comb. You can also bleach your entire hair if you want, but remember to be gentle.

*Softener of corns and calluses: Another great hydrogen peroxide use is for softening corns and calluses, by mixing equal parts with water and soaking your feet into it.

* Removing Earwax:
I mentioned you can use hydrogen peroxide for ear infections, but also for removing ear wax and make your ears visually appealing. Put some drops of the solution into your ears, and clean them after two minutes with wipe cloth.

Other uses include:

* Pets:
Hydrogen peroxide can be used as first aid for pets when they get into something toxic. Quick dose of the solution will induce vomiting and your pet’s life will be saved.
Also can be used to prevent fungus growth in your aquarium.

* Some of us have small children that we send to school with a lunch box. You can keep that lunch box sanitary by periodically wiping with hydrogen peroxide.You can also clean your toddler’s toys and keep them sanitary as well.

* If you have odors in your light-colored clothes, you can easily get them off by washing your clothes in a mixture of white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

Stay connected 
Life source 
Real and True
Your Gal, Gentlehawk!!!

Friday, April 20, 2018


What is the Aura?
An aura, aka, Human Energy Field is a non-physical field of energies around a person, visible through clairvoyance. It is produced by the energy body (energosoma, or subtle body) of the person we are observing. (According to

In Latin and Greek, it means Wind, Breath or Breeze and in Middle English it means 'gentle breeze'. 
I will not go into the interest history of aura, if you are interested to know more you can google Wikipedia on the subject or maybe just click this URL :

Meaning of Aura Colors

An aura is described as an illuminated radiation around a person that may or may not be colored, descriptive of a person's personality, health, and state of mind. Here's a brief look into the meaning of aura colors of different variations, for those of you who are deeply interested in these theories.

Ever noticed how you feel when someone walks into a room? Good, bad, uncomfortable? Some may call it vibes, others may call it aura, but both are something one exudes naturally. Believe it or not, auras do exist, and explain why you may have experienced the aforementioned situations at some point in time. So what is an aura? Not everyone knows how to see auras, though over time, some have mastered the art of naturally seeing them with years of practice. Normally, auras can be seen only after using specific photography equipment designed to capture this radiation around a person in a photograph. Different people exude different colors. What does your aura color mean? 

Aura Colors and What They Mean

Aura colors are not always permanent. The color one may emit today and the one after a few days may not always be the same. Auras are radiated based on a person's personality, their physical health, as well as their current state of mind. For instance, an angry person may depict a murky red aura. However, if he/she is working to curb the anger by means of meditation or any other techniques, over time there may be a noticeable change. These colors also have several shades and tones, and an attempt has been made here to describe the meaning of the colors in as many shades as possible. (According to Buzz:

The Red Family

Orange Red: Those who emit an orange red are known to be confident, creative individuals who can deal well with their problems.

Red: A clear red implies an individual who is powerful, competitive, sexually charged, and passionate about any undertaken task. They have a sense of self importance that determines their decisions in life. Such individuals may not be able to cope well with change.

Deep red: A deep red symbolizes that the person is down to earth, has his head on his shoulders, is practical and realistic, and has an unshakable determination.

Murky Red: A murky red aura is symbolic of anger that can in fact, repel the positivity that one may have been able to attract. Such persons may be anxious, worried, obsessed with money, frustrated, and may be unable to forgive easily. All these attributes are known to repel positivity.

Burgundy: Wealth, Success, prosperity, and elegance. Unconscious beauty.

Pink: A bright but light pink can be symbolic of a sensitive, loving individual who is compassionate and pure in many ways. A pink aura can also symbolize the beginning or the ongoing nature of a romance.

Deep Pink: Finally, a deep pink can be indicative of an unscrupulous or immature person.

The Blue Family

Pale Blue: A pale blue aura speaks of an individual who is peaceful, has complete clarity of thought, and is an honest individual.

Blue: The color blue is symbolic of a calm and easygoing person who is also sensitive and helpful. Those who radiate a blue aura are also known to be very intuitive.

Bright Royal Blue: This aura color symbolizes spirituality and the availability of new options and opportunities for growth. It also speaks of clairvoyant abilities and kindness.

Indigo: Similar to a clear blue aura, the indigo color's meaning is that of intuition and sensitivity. It is related to the third eye.

Muddy Blue: Those with a dark or muddy blue aura may be suffering from several fears such as that of confronting reality, the future, or oneself. Such individuals may also be scared of expressing themselves in front of others.

Lavender: A lavender aura is suggestive of a brilliant imagination and someone who is ambitious, but someone who fantasizes a lot too.

Violet: Relating to the nervous system, a violet aura reflects underlying psychic powers that exist in the individual. It may mean that one is comfortable and in complete harmony with oneself. Yet another color that symbolizes intuitive powers, violet is also an indication of a person who is idealistic and creative.

The Green Family

Yellow Green: Someone with a yellow green aura is a creative and social or outgoing person.

Green: Green is the color of growth, balance, and change. A person who emits a green aura is someone who is known to love nature and is a very social person.

Bright Emerald Green: A person who emits a bright emerald green aura has natural healing abilities, and focuses greatly on giving and receiving love.

Muddy Green: Not all greens are positive, and a muddy green suggests resentment, poor self-esteem, sensitivity to criticism, accusatory nature, and failure to take responsibility (personal or otherwise).

The Orange Family

Orange: An orange aura symbolizes good health and lots of energy in the person emitting it. Such individuals are creative, extroverts, use their time well, and are willing to take risks. On the negative side, an orange aura may be indicative of physical stress.

Orange Yellow: An orange yellow aura will tell you that the person emitting it is someone who is brainy, has a scientific bent of mind, and pays great attention to detail. Such persons are highly creative, and always strive for perfection.

The Yellow Family

Pale Yellow: A pale yellow aura indicates psychic abilities, and someone who has a spiritual bent of mind. It indicates hope, and the ability to generate creative, positive ideas for one's betterment.

Bright Lemon Yellow: A bright lemon yellow aura shows that the person emitting it is facing some sort of struggle, in terms of power or relationships. This person may be someone who has a deep-seated fear of losing her/his reputation and control over various situations.

Yellow: This color reflects an inspired life, the life of someone who is an optimistic, cheerful, and happy. A yellow aura is symbolic of intelligence and revival.

Metallic Gold: A metallic gold aura that is clear speaks of spiritual energy and inspiration.

Dark Murky Yellow: This aura is usually reflected in students who are struggling to study, or in people who think they don't have enough time to complete their tasks. They are people who think beyond the necessary and experience excessive stress due to it.

Other Colors

Gold: Someone with a golden aura is being guided towards doing only good by a divine power. A gold aura suggests inner wisdom, spirituality, and protection from the evils of the outer world.

Silver: While indicating spiritual and physical wealth, a silver aura also reflects monetary wealth. On the spiritual side, it can imply a revival of consciousness.

Metallic Silver: This aura color clearly indicates someone who is open to suggestions and new ideas. Such individuals are also nurturing and loving by nature.

Muddy Gray: When noticed in specific areas of the body, a muddy gray aura color may be indicative of health problems associated with those areas. Such a color may also indicate fears pertaining to one's health or self.

Black: A black aura attracts energy and converts it in the process. Those who emit a black aura are individuals who haven't let go or forgiven past mistakes by themselves or others. It may also be a symbol of grief, or an indication of health issues when seen in specific body parts.

White: A white aura indicates abundance of energy that has not been tapped yet. Someone with a white aura is considered to have angelic qualities, honesty, and is believed to be absolutely pure and spiritual.

The meaning of aura colors given above are an indication of the overall state of being of the person. However, the intricacies may vary based on personal personality traits. This information was meant to give you a general idea into the world of aura reading. It is not as simple as it looks, and if you are serious about learning about your aura and the reason for the color you radiate, it is always a good idea to consult a specialist in the field.

Stay connected 
Life source 
Real and True
Your Gal, Gentlehawk!!!

DISCLAIMER: The colors depicted here are for indicative purposes only. The actual aura colors and meanings may vary based on the method and the expertise of the person recognizing the auras.

Thursday, February 1, 2018


Aloe Vera ... Aloe Vera!
The Egyptians for over 6,000 years have been using this amazing plant of immortality.

That's right; the spiky, green gem has a rich history of various cultures and personalities who used the plant's moist middle in a plethora of practical uses. Like Cleopatra who applied the gel to her body as part of her beauty regimen, the ancient Greeks who used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia to the Native Americans who called aloe vera the "Wand of the Heaven."

It doesn't hurt that aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. In fact, the plant is so powerful that researchers and scientists are looking into its potential as an AIDS and cancer-fighter.

From all-around health elixirs to simple beauty aids, learn about the various ways to put your little plant to maximal use after splitting the leaves lengthwise down the middle.

If you decide to take aloe vera orally, seek out commercial, certified organic juice. And as for both topical and oral applications, it's always recommended to consult your doctor beforehand.

I am not a doctor—just a huge, huge fan of amazing, miraculous aloe!

40 Amazing Ways Aloe Vera can be used.

1. Pamper yourself to a soothing body rub. Slice aloe leaves lengthwise and use the inner sides as a biodegradable body scrub in the shower.

2. Treat burns from minor mishaps in the kitchen—from grease splatters or hot utensils.

3. For more major kitchen mishaps like a scald, mix some aloe gel and vitamin E oil into a little jar for a homemade burn healer.

4. Banish black and blue bruises by swapping on the good goo.

5. Soothe and heal sunburns the feel-good way. Aloe contains cooling properties similar to menthol.

6. Take the sting or itch out of insect bites.

7. Reduce tissue damage from frostbite.

8. Alleviate mysterious rashes.

9. Make feet baby soft with an exfoliating foot mask by mixing together a half cup of oatmeal, a half cup of corn meal, four tbsp. of aloe vera gel and a half cup of unscented body lotion.

10. Help heal herpes outbreaks.

11. Fight Athlete's Foot.

12. Swab over blisters for quick relief.

13. Use as an antidote to allergic skin reactions.

14. Replace creams and lotions as a general moisturizer for dry skin. Aloe is fast absorbing!

15. Prevent pesky pimples and treat acne.

16. Soothe Psoriasis.

17. Prevent scarring and stretch marks.

18. Help rid of Rosacea.

19. Shrink warts.

20. Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles. Cleopatra did!

21. Help eliminate Eczema.

22. Brighten skin. Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots.

23. Make skin new again with an exfoliating, organic sugar scrub by mixing together two tbsp. of aloe vera, 2 tbsp. of organic brown sugar and 1 tsp. of organic lemon juice.

24. For rougher patches mix together an organic salt skin scrub using two cups of sea salt, one cup of aloe vera, one cup of organic coconut oil and two tbsp. of local, organic honey.

25. Speed up hair growth by massaging aloe into the scalp, letting it sit for 30 minutes, and rinsing.

26. Reduce hair dandruff by mixing aloe vera juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Massage into scalp and rinse.

27. Replace aloe with conditioner for silkier, smoother hair.

28. Remove eye makeup.

29. Treat minor vaginal irritations.

30. Drink aloe vera juice to relieve gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion.

31. Sip it to aid in elimination. Many times, it's recommended for its laxative effects.

32. Take a swig to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome including bloating and discomfort.

33. Take aloe orally to relieve heartburn, arthritis and rheumatism pain.

34. Boil leaves in a pan of water and breathe in the vapor to alleviate asthma.

35. Drink to lower blood sugar levels—especially for diabetics.

36. Strengthen gums and promote strong, healthy teeth by taking orally or use toothpaste with aloe vera ingredients.

37. Drink to help ease congestion, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections and prostate problems.

38. Take orally to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides for a healthy heart.

39. Sip to minimize inflammation and infection of the eye and ear.

40. Toast to its general detoxifier and health boosting qualities!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


Hey guys, I'm back!!!!

It's been a whole year. Lots of things have happened to me, you and the world... and is still happening.
Soooooooooooo sorry about the long silence.

I needed it. I will explain with time.
Soooo... what's happening!!!

A quick recap, then you can fill me in... well for a start changed job  but I think d right word is career,  changed life and everything in between! Well, still my black introvert self.
Ha! Heard America got themselves a crazy man as President. War in the middle East and Africa is slowing down.  However North Korea is still a pain in the arse.  World cup is this year... Huray Nigeria qualified which is impressive. Arsenal is doing well so far, that is after so many years. Climate change is still a hoax to a lot of people.  Russia, as usual, is in everyone's business. An English prince is engaged to a black American.  Flood and more flood. And of course, slavery is back... 😟😟 well not that it went away, just simmered.

Politicians and business men getting burst for sexual harassment... it took us long enough! Can you imagine, they thought it was only just Bill! 🤣🤣🤣
Nigerian citizens are not smiling... thought they got themselves a Moses apparently it was another pharaoh plus goliath all rolled into one! I think they are planning to give him back. 

And Yes, Zimbabweans eventually got the courage to kick out the old man... you know what they say, old habits die hard.  Well not this time. 😅😅😅  not this time. Wis
Brexit is still much alive, not sure if it will be for long. We are watching. 

Marriage and divorce, birth and death, abundance and famine, war and peace etc.
I'm sure I missed some things but well and good.
So what about you guys? What's New? Need all the juicy details......

Stay connected
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Real and True