Tuesday, December 1, 2009


1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 wonderful months and we are on the last lap, the 12th month...so exciting and exhilarating, don't you think?
Happy new month to y'all!!! This month is the last month of the year. The month of greens and reds which to me means, a new dawn or beginning and love. A month to sit and reminisce about the days gone by, to assess and redress, to be thankful for life's lessons and prepare a new script that will guide one into freshness.
December, a month of bliss and tranquility yet alot see it as a month of greed and bleed. A month that ends all months...a month that ushers in newness, gives a reason.
I simply love this month because with it, it carries the essence of life. It is one month i look to because it gives to me alot of strength to start again or something like that. It feels me with love and hope. I taste it and feel it deep down in my heart so as much that i can feel it's warmth and peace. It defines life and the joy that life itself brings with its purity it gives.
However, we forget what this month brings instead we focus on what we can take from it. Those trival things that bore us down.
It is New, it is birth, it is freshness, it is a beginning, it is GREEN and it is care, it is passion, it is sensual, it is romantic, it is RED. Let it free you, let it envelop you into experiencing it's newness and freshness. Be free, like the wind, be light.
Enjoy December, a new era of greatness, the month of GREEN and RED. the month of liveliness and Passion.
Welcome to Love, Welcome to my month, Welcome to the beautiful month of DECEMBER.
Be True and Be Real
Your Gentlehawk

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Coming to together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, Working together is success
- Henry Ford.

In the jet age, I’m pretty sure you have heard and read enough on this topic and you are bored stiff. I can bet you are saying right now that “what else is new that I haven’t heard or read”, and you are about to drop or flip over the page to see more interesting issues.

Unfortunately, this is not like any other article you have read infact this is more of a way of life. So before you do flip over, please do me a favour by hearing me out, will you, because here right, now is a place for you to start?
Why are we interested in increasing performance anyway? This is a suppose to be a blog so why i'm writing about this. Yea, this is a blog......if you read my first blog i said my blog is about everything and anything as long as it helps pass a good message. There’s got to be a reason, right? It all balls down to the motive behind why one wants to increase the performance. Besides, we all need to know and understand one or two things about increasing performance because we all need it in every aspects of our lives. Understanding how we can be productive in life is important to every one who yearns for growth in life.
So, i will sharing few ideas and tips on this topic because it's one wide and controversial topic.
Knowing who we are and our composition as humans we need to understand that increasing productivity our motives are not selfish. Researchers in human behaviour have identified some important characteristics in humans and they include the following:

Every being is different even twins that came out of the same womb are not only genetically different but emotional, physically, in every ramification you can think of, different. That’s why you can have two people doing the same different but a different way. That’s how it is and that’s how it will ever be. Traits could be same but behaviour won’t.

Humans are the most complicated out of all things God created. He (Humans) can never be understood in the total sense of it.

Because humans are complicated they become unpredictable. That’s the reason the person you know today might not be the same person tomorrow. I know for one that I’m not the same person I was 10years back, for good or bad, that’s another story completely so don't break your head.....lol.

This one I wouldn’t have to say much except “Hands up, if guilty as charged”. We are, in often times, just want things to happen without lifting a finger.

I guess we all believe in “me, myself and I” syndrome. 'I love you guys but I need to love myself first, so I can love you better'.

This is anti-human so we fight anything in that light. Why should I leave my comfort-zone for an unknown, are you out of your senses? 'Why change it besides it is better this way'.

Realizing what humans are, should help place one in a better perspective of what one wants to achieve. When we think that, to increase employees’ performance all depends on the employees, then we have totally missed it because their performance depends largely on the boss or the employer. Sounds different? It is the employer that influences at least 70% of any employees’ performance. Why? That’s so because you can not use rules to make people do what you want without first making them understand that performance – be it good or bad – is a way of life.

For an employer to influence the performance of employees he needs to possess some essential qualities.
Understanding the right type of leader you are, is most important because with this you can influence your employees a lot better. To understand your leadership style, you could start by asking yourself and answering these questions truthfully.

1. Does my leadership style support or against employees’ performance?
2. Am I communicating effectively to enhance their performance?
3. Do I motivate or de-motivate my employees?
4. Do I know and understand my employee temperament?

To truly influence the performance of an employee, an employer must exhibit visionary leadership characters.

So you ask, “Who is a visionary leader?”

A visionary leader is someone who engages his followers and takes them beyond mere reward and punishment. In order words, a visionary leader is a “TEAM PLAYER”. He knows the importance of TEAMWORK. He knows and understands that he needs his employees and that without them he can not get the work done.
A visionary leader is someone with vision and can make his employees understand and not just understanding his/her vision but makes them to see it very clearly with him/her. He motivates them to look beyond the mundane activities of the job and encourages them to think independently and creatively which in turns gives them a sense of belonging and trust in the organization.
But most importantly, he recognizes the fact that his employees are human beings and acts as a mentor to them.
Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has”.

The fact is that must leader fail to define the team they want to build because they fail to understand how to create the experience of teamwork. They keep talking about building the team and working as a team but forget the essential things. Belonging to a team is a result of feeling part of something larger than you. It has a lot to do with understanding the mission and objective of the organization and aligning your personal fulfillment goals with the organization’s goals.

Once you have identified that you are a visionary leader then you will require the following for influencing your employees’ performance.

1. Ensuring that each employee understands the organization mission and objective and why their role is very important to the achievement of the company’s mission and objective.

2. Ensuring that they perceive their service as valuable to the organization and to their career.

3. Recruiting the right people and equipping them with the right tools to do the right things. This gives the right attitude which supports them to accomplish the set mission.

4. Ensuring that they understand the need for coordination and the need for effective cross-function and multi-department relationship. That No Successful and Good Man is an Island.

5. Giving them the freedom and empowerment to express themselves and ensuring that working together is the key.

6. Establishing a good channel for communication for receiving honest performance feedback and to channel conflicts if need arises.

7. Encouraging creative thinking and individuality and rewarding the same if positive.

8. Providing and encouraging trainings, education, access to books and field trips to stimulate the right thinking that will influence their performance.

9. Ensuring that they understand and feel responsible and accountable for achievements and are rewarded and recognized when successful.

10. Mostly importantly, the organization should recognize that the more it can change its climate to support teams, the more it will receive in pay back from the work of its employees in terms of better performance.

With all this in place, pull my ears if this doesn’t increase and boost the performance and the attitude of your employees. But before you pull my ears off, let me say this works with a little patience from both sides of the coin.

So, I leave you with this last word by H.E LUCCOCK who says that; “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it”.

So, Peace n out

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Gal's Dairy 04

Can you keep a secret? I bet you this one is the best secret of the year, so can you, keep a secret? It will be our secret....and ours only. Come closer and listen. But first, let me explain something to you.

Life has got a way of dishing things at you whether you want them or not. It has a mind of its own but most of us think, rather than not, we can help it in its decision making.
For example, I had always wanted to be a medical doctor....science had always had a way of awaking my curiosity. But my personality craves for beauty, creativity and peace. However, i ended up doing something else. Being a medical doctor was my own decision and i walked in the light of that but it was contrary to what Life had and still has in store for me.

Life is beautiful.....but as the saying goes, it only in the eyes of it beholder.

Similarly, i nurture and lived in a love (infact two) that wasn't meant for me and as Life will always do, it has its own plans. Funnily, its plan always work out beautifully and perfectly.

Lately, i have been opportuned to see Life in a clearer light. Life is what you make of it. The plan is all set just your reaction to it is what triggers it in motion.

We walk in paths that look real to us and the thing is that they are mostly illusions. Now i see clearly that we don't choose what Life gives us, however, we choose the way we react to it.
Yes, you could say i'm in cloud nine ;) and i don't want to come back. And believe me, it's the best place to be. All these years i've be blinded by things i thought were right for me. Yes, Life really knows how to play jokes. Funnily, i'm enjoying this one. If only and only if, we could stop for half a second and put aside our delusions and be a bit logical. We will see that Life is really, really beautiful.
I see my relationship(s) with clearer eyes. It has no expectations and no limitations. It's a soul free experience. My course has changed and i'm allowing the wind of Life sail me to the promise land....ah! it's MY promise land. Not what YOU think or know to be my promise land. So zip it, your opinion not required, thank you!!
It's a path of Life i've chosen.....good or bad, it's my choice and my Way. I will march with it....love and cherish it because it is the essence of Life. Never again will i let people, society and culture determine who and what i am or not. I am REAL and TRUE.....to me. I AM ME!!

Life gift to me is MY DESTINY! I will hold on to it, cherish and nourish it.

I'M Gentlehawk!
Lock down!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009


We are all familiar with these two words....and probably use or hear them every day. And as most everyday words that we use, we have somehow taken these words for granted.
Would one say it is because most times, it is used without an indepth understanding of its meaning?
"I care"....."I care about you", "I care about the earth", "I care about him/her", "I care about the homeless children", "It's because we care", "We care about this, we care about that".
But do we really care or, is it that we only care about ourselves? Is it about the person or people we care about or does it really balls down to our need to save ourselves unwanted pain or discomfort. We are so involve with ourselves so much to the extend that those we claim to care about are mostly hurt by us.
Lately, i found out that to care about someone or anyone, one needs to understand the true meaning of selflessness which by the way, can't be found in the built dictionary of alot of us.
The definition of SELFLESSNESS (n) according to Oxford Advanced learner's Dictionary defines it as "an ability to think more about the needs, happiness etc, of other people than about your own". Hard right? Yep!! However fear not, I hear this act can be learnt or imbibe. And no, can't help you on that one....you will have the expert on the act.

The act of selflessness is in the giving all and not expecting or wanting nothing; selflessness is a gift that is very rare especially in these callous and uncertain days. People with this attribute have nothing yet own all things.That's because they have all they need and want. They radiate with joy and gladness.

So, when we say we care, is it for selflessness or selfishness reasons? If notice, the "SELF" is quite apparent in both but it the degree at which it is apparent that matters.....MORE or LESS.
Therefore, before you tell someone you care.....ask yourself is it for more or less?
Be true n be Real!!

It's Gentlehawk

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A gal's dairy 03

A friend of mine told me one day that Life is a bed full of roses, however, these roses have thorns. Interesting, isn't it? But, the best part is that if we want to enjoy these roses or the bed (well, depending on the case) we have to learn to get rid of these so-called thorns without destroying the roses. So, i guess what she was trying to say is that to enjoy Life ,we need to go through some pain. It gives us a better understanding of ourselves and the lives we live.Moreover, if these pains or experiences do not arise, how do we learn to see our lives in a different angle and thank the creator for it.
However, history has proven that humans have the tendency to go through the same painful process again before the lesson is learnt.
Why do we have to learn the hard way before we learn the lessons and ways of life? Now, you may think, "Oh! there she goes again". But really,it's a thought i can't seem to shake off. We go through painful stuff in life over and over again yet we do not learn from it. Why is that? Is it that we don't take time to look closer at prior experience(s) or we simply underestimated its reoccurance? Why do we have to go over the pains over and over again before we learn? Is it is insane or there is gain? Life as it is, is pretty smart than alot of us give it credit. Some of us just see life as a process and that we just have to go through it without understanding that we are the actors of it. Well as they say, life gets to dictate the tune but we forget that we can also dictate pace.
Taking a critical look at Life, we would see that there is nothing or any situation under the sun that have not happen before. If we look closely, we would see that life is pretty the same. Yet, we go ahead and make the same mistakes anyway. Maybe that's what make us human and defines our history. Is it how we are programmed or we simply just allow it? Maybe that's what differentiates us from other species. Maybe it is because of these reoccurances we are able to remain successful against all odds. We have evolved through it all and the stories have remained the same, just the names of the mistakes and pains change.
We are who we are because we believe we are who we are, contrary to what has been said. No one can define us but us, however, we can allow people, situation, environment define us....if and only if, we allow it. So, it still balls down to the fact that we are in charge. So, why go through the pain, again and again? I think the answer is in us been true and real, and accepting the pain and the fall. Re-access ourselves and understanding that one does not need to go through pain again to learn the lesson.
Maybe, i'm wrong or maybe i'm right, you be the judge....whatever you decide, I am just been ME....True and Real.So be too, by letting me know your take.
It's Moi, Gentlehawk

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So guys,

What do they say about crossroads?
Some say that it is a point where people met and anything may/can happen.
That it is a time bomb waiting, watching and waiting for the right time to explode.
Cross roads are things from the past, where the present meets the future.
It is pain, it is stain yet so, clean, clear and rare.

Many of us have been there and most of us haven't dare.
We all wish for a point on the crossroad.
so we walk, work and play smart to see those who rule
If we would reach the very point that will either make us or break us.
Cross roads come in the T's or the X's.

Whichever way we call it, it is a meeting point for you and me.
"It's nice meeting you." - "So where are you off to?"
"How can i get there?" - "Oh, it's not too far!"
"Don't bother to go there!" - "And what'll i do next?"
A great and disjoined meeting point it is and can be.

I would hate to be cut in that webbly point but it is a great feeling 'cos it will get you there
if you find the right way
But not to worry, even if you miss it this time, retrace it and you will be surprised
that the cross roads are always there and the same.
Atleast now you know where not take... and what not to do.

We all have cross roads, we all stop or pause there - to catch a breathe or retrace a step
Cross roads are important especially if you are willing to find the WAY
whatever way you wish to go.....be sure to know....That, to be REAL and TRUE...will save you alot too.

So, it's Gentlehawk
Hold it up and be REAL

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Zzzzzzz!!! I decided to try things my way this time. No taking orders or thoughts from anyone except me. Who cares if i am wrong or right? It is called SPONTANEOUS!!! It's called been ME!
Over the years, I've let things, people, situations, challenges, environment dictate to me how to and should live my life. So, now I'm saying, no more calling out..... to this gal. I choose to be me and no one else.....I'm blessed to have wonderful yet not perfect people around me who love me for me. And also thankful for the fact that there are, so called people, who say they are friends but are yet to understand the meaning of the word. Who are so nice and happy with you as long as they take from you and are incredibly the opposite when things are not the way they want it to be.
So, I am asking who need friends, who need people, who need family and who needs YOU?
Crazy as it seems, the answer is ME, ME, ME!!!! We all need someone.....it is how we are built and programmed; and nothing can replace that need except we fill it with precious and priceless people. FRIENDS.
Heard it all from the so called friends....why are true friends so hard to find in this time and age? Is it that people are now self-centred or is it that true friendship don't mean much anymore...well they say "since i can do by myself, thank you very much" or is it that we aren't looking at the right people or is it that we are looking at the right people for the wrong reasons. But really, friendship is one thing in Life i will always thank God for.
Friendship has help sharpen our lives whichever way we look at it....good or bad. Friendship amongst family member, tribe, strangers, peers, colleagues etc, this undeserving and strange bond takes place.
It's one thing that happens every day yet we do not take it seriously.It moulds us or it breaks us. We let it come in quietly and let it slip away without a second glance. Just a few take it seriously, guide with every breathe, keep it close to their heart, cherish it and nurture it daily through out their life time.
We all long for it.....but we hardly work for it. We grave for it yet do nothing about it. We give up on it when we are faced with issues that overwhelm us. We throw in the towel and say, "What the hell! I can do it on my own....whichever way i want".
We get uncomfortable when it challenges our actions, policies, what makes us thick and most of all, who we are and what we really stand for.
But we usually forget that this is what moulds us into something or ....rather someone special. In order words, our friends(Relationships) define us....and what we stand for.
An adage said, "Show me your friends and i will tell you who you are".
If you want a change in life than i strongly advice you change your friends (Relationship).
So, I'll tell you who you are once i meet your friends because they help us keep it real and true.
Therefore, to know me, please do me a favour, check out my FRIENDS. I love my friends because we love KEEPING IT REAL 'N' TRUE!
Bye For Now

Friday, April 24, 2009


Wait!!! what is wrong with the WORLD? Please can someone tell what the hell is going on? Can you believe it, my daddy comes home to announce that he just lost his job and he picks up a freaking GUN and shots us all (n i mean ME, my SIBLING, his WIFE - for twenty-something years). What the heck is that!!! Okay, u lost ur job, and so? Is that the end of the world? I guess it simply shows how shallow the human race has just become.
Noone gives a damn about other people's lives or have respect for HUMAN lives. They just destroy what they didn't create in the first place....and in seconds too.
I really don't get the fact that someone, could just wake up one day and decides to destroy(don't forget, in a matter of seconds) what he/she took so many years, so many emotions, time and sacrifices blah blah blah....to build. It's absolutely beyond me!!!! How and When did Human race become this callous. GOD! Why, why????
This Life we live is way too beautiful, irrespective of what we are going through or what is going through us. Tough times makes us stronger and help us see the REAL US: for who we really are. It is not suppose to be great all through because if it is, then life will be preettttty boring. Tough times shakes us and helps us to put things/our lives in better persective.
My heart goes out to the children who didn't get the chance to enjoy life and be someone great!!
Who didn't get the chance to experience the great things of life; first kiss, prom, become the prom king or queen, the known nerd of the school,first date, first heartbreak, first success, first disappointment, first job interview, first one to win the school's prize and many FIRSTS.
And for those people who think they do have RIGHTS to take the lives of other people including theirs......shame on you one million times over. SHAME! SHAME!! SHAME!!!
And those so call Authority who can't do something or rather won't do something to put a stop to these craziness that is worst than cancer, don't forget, it could happen to YOU too......so watch you back!!!!!
I'm Real n True!!!
cos i'm Gentlehawk

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A gal's dairy 02

"A day will come and you will see me no more...." It's a quote and i think i'm begining to understand the indepth of that sentence. I do feel lost today. I feel my life is without direction and i feel empty.
Hey, before you begin to imagine how empty my life is, let me give you some tips into my life. I have alot going for me until recently and it seems to be slipping away. I'm a young beautiful woman with a good career that will put in the spotlight as soon as i'm ready. My social network is above average but social life is zero. My love life is so close to a nun's. I live a triangle type of life, that's to say, home,work, school. There's nothing and i mean absolutely nothing interesting going on in my life. I hate going out for shopping and clubbing like normal girls do. I would rather stay home to read a book, write(like i'm doing now) or watch a movie. What kind of girl does that? BINGO!!! a Boring one! I simply miss those good and simple old days when i had the right to feel free. Love irrespective of who and how. When i had true but few friends. When my parents were still much in love. When in the evenings, i will put in a good show for everyone in the living room and i have a good and honest laugh with those people who love me for me. Why do life have to be so so complicated. I guess it is part of growing up. When i was little i couldn't wait to grow up, have my freedom and enjoy life. i thought grow ups had everything tey wanted....how childish that thought is right now. i would give everything i own to be a child right now.
But can't, can i? So i better get a grip and enjoy what i have so i won't grow old and regret what i have missed and lost. I guess there is nothing wrong in wishing just remember it pays more to be REAL and TRUE!

So for Moi,
Peace n Out!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Hey guys,

I wrote this article years ago and looking at the world today, I have an urge to share it once again.
So happy reading!

Wow, Wow..... just finished watching my favourite sitcom, "Grey's Anatomy' and i had to say,"Wow! Life is really very short not to be real and true to who you really are!  
In this particular episode, Meredite drown while trying to rescue a man,  not because she couldn't swim but basically because she gave up on her life even before it began. 
She's so young yet very messed up in the head, why? She feels everything she holds dear isn't making any sense to her anymore…or rather everyone she thought or really loves  isn't who they say they are. 
NEEDING something is definitely different from WANTING something, and she helped define that clearly.

And there is Izzie and O'malliey, that pair i don’t seem to understand. Just the opposite of our gal (and by the way i should say, i am a big fan of these two). They are getters and when i mean getters, i mean, they go for whatever they believe they need (not that they can't do without it) irrespective of who gets hurts. 
But O'Malliey is one character that seem to put me over board. His posture is way out unstable but inwardly he is as stable and strong as an Arabian Horse. And there is Alex, the "Player", who thinks being emotional makes  him look weak and re-live his childhood which he would rather forget. Though inwardly, he is a good man(which by the way, he does a good job of hiding). 
And my favourite, Christina, the hard core perfectionist who thinks life is all just about competing to be the best and anything less, isn't acceptable.
This sitcom makes me realize that we all, in a way have a Meredite, Izzie, Alex, O'Malliey and Christina in us that makes life kind of crazy yet exciting, stupid yet meaningful. 
I know i've a Meredite in me, who wants to be loved always but is so scared of getting hurt. And also a Christina, who is hurting but hides it by been tough and all. She sees any need of emotion as being weak. 
We are these people and more... this is what makes our life worth living. Life has to have its up and down,  else we will take it for granted. 

Society has so refined us, that being our true self isn't enough, so we are forced to be someone else. We all have something to hide and how best way to hide than to wear masks. 
Mask to keep people at arms length because to us it is best way to keep safe. We convince ourselves that when we wear it long enough we can become the mask/the other person and never hurt again.
But you know what, i'm done wearing masks. You should too. 

I want to be me..ME! It's a lot easier to be me. I want to be able to say how i feel without getting crucify for it. I want to be able to love and take great risk to be loved. I want to be able to make stupid mistakes because that's what makes me human. I want to be able to go swimming in a pool full of HOT guys and pretty girls and display my stretch makes without feeling shy or feel self ….. But infact wanting to flaunt my femininity. I want to be able to think up something crazy and just do it not because it is good but because it feels good and it is fun. I want to be able to go shopping n partying like other girls. I want to be able to live life every minute, every second of the day and seize the moment as it comes.

Above all, i want to do ME, Me, Me and not because some societal ideology sees or say it is right!!! No, but because it is just enough for me. Selfish you may say and that's exactly what I would want  to be …so selfish, THAT I WON’T NEED MY MASK ANYMORE.  We all need to be selfish at one point in time in one's life. It helps to put things in good perspective..... A times!

So stay Real and stay True, it pays and there's gain.
Peace and  Out!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A gal's dairy 01

Created this blogger so that i can be free to express myself respective of what others may think.Unlike some, when i'm worried i pen down how i feel to the best of my abilities. I'm young, beautiful, agile, single and very independent which alot times some men find to be intimidating.
However, i love my life to some extent. Sometimes i wish i could just dare to have fun, you know, throw all cares to the wind like my little sister. But i just can't, to much responsiblity to be irresponsible, that what ME tell myself. Ironic isn't it.
My life is so boring that i'm beginning to feel that a 70 year old woman gets more fun out of her life than i do mine. How did i get to this point i ask myself sometimes. Honestly, i just don't know. I'm always too busy to have fun that most of my friends are gone and the ones that stick around are all married and live busy lives.
I loved someone once, half of my life. How do you love someone that much and it hurts so so bad. But the painful thing is the person does not love you back. I have tried to move on with my life but oh men, it's so hard. It's harder than cracking water from a rock, believe me. I want to believe it is an obsession but i'm willing to give up an obsession that is destroying me. An obsession could be cancerous and this gal does not want any cancer. I feel like dancing right now......don't mind me, it's because i'm listening to Shania Twain's "Man!I feel like a woman". Lovely lyrics n song. Anyway, i am crying out to any one out there that has a solution to getting over an obsession, should please holla me ASAP. Because it is "Operation Kick out them Obsession".

It's real and true
Gentlehawk, signing out.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Hey there,

How was your Val's day? Mine was just there, though got several Val wishes from friends through SMS and a lovely gift from a older admirer. He was just a dear.

Down here, traffic was crazy...people were stuck in traffic and were made late for one appointment or the other. I can imagine the facial expression on a gal who was kept waiting because her guy could not get to her on time or a guy who had everything planned for a romantic evening with his gal...... but later discover she wouldnt make it because of traffic.
That's how terrible the traffic was.

Though would have shared what i did on Val's Day with you, but sorry to disappoint you....i live a boring life which is why i started this blogged in the first place (that's the story of my life).
Anyway, this year i saw a new side to valentine's day than the one i'm used to. 

It's more of others than on us. What i'm trying to say is that people are becoming more involved with others than just themselves.
People are spending holidays or the so-called special days with people they don't even know.
The way we see and do things in the past are now gradually been seen as selfish and traded for selflessness. Social responsibility is now the in-thing. 

Giving back to the social is so rewarding and in it's little way helps make the society a better place for all of us.

I think this financial turmoil in the West is a blessing in disguise for Africa (though not in its totality). 
You may ask , Why? How? 
Well, people are becoming aware of the fact that Africa is not just a land of war but is  land full of blessings if one can take a good unbaised view at the continent. It just simply need few good heads to make it a gold mine for business. 

If not, why is that alot of foreign countries bringing in their enterpreneurial and expertize into this great continent? They are looking for ways to invest in the continent which is great in a way (That's if they aren't looking for cheap labour). But that's business, right? However, i am glad we on the spot light for once for a good thing.

For how long? who cares....as long as we are not going to make the same mistakes our forefathers made that led us to the colonial era, and we make the best out of it and tell them "Developed Countries" that they are very,very wrong about us. 

And that we are much more than what they think of us while keeping it real.
Whatever the case maybe, the world is watching and the SET TIME for us to show them that we are great people is now.

Bye for now
it's ur gal....Gentlehawk
Stay Real, Stay True

Thursday, February 12, 2009

valentine's day

Life could be a sucker atimes...yet it could be strawberry dip in chocolate.
Whichever way one looks at it, believe me it is the same.

What are we saying, tommorrow is VAL's Day and most of us don't even believe in LOVE anymore and some still do.....but the don't win. Why???

Take for example, Rihanna and Chris' case, one would think they've got it all...a love made in heaven. But see what is happening..only God knows the full story so i would even go there until they both make their public statement. So, contrary to what they make us believe, a made in heaven relationship needs a down to earth working on. How can a good relationship turn sour? What went wrong? Was it HIM or was it HER? All these questions have crossed our minds but you know, it is easier to throw blames than to accept the fault.
Tomorrow, we all will be exchanging gifts with those we love and hold dear to our heart but what we fail to see that one day isn't enough to show these people that we love them. It shoud be a way of life...you may ask "How do i mean". Someone as "Little Grain of sand makes a mighty Ocean", and i so much love that saying because it is absolutely true.
Showing little genuine art of love to those you love everyday no matter how small we may think they are, when you are hurt by the same person believe me they will one day look back and remember these act of love. A man could decide to do the dishes for her when he senses she need a break and she may decide to pay one of the bills for him. A neighbour decides to give a helping hand by taking out the trash or watching over the kids. A brother can take time out of his very busy schedule to teach a little sister how to draw, ride a bicycle or even with her homework. Think of something little to do to someone (not just your sweetheart!) and feel free, feel light and feel loved.
Love is beautiful and very light. Love is a very big thing and it takes a man or a woman with a BIG HEART to love.
HAPPY VAL'S DAY TODAY......tomorrow and always.
From Gentlehawk,
Stay real and Stay true.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hey everybody,

I'm ur host on this ride....my blog name is real4u but friends call me gentlehawk.
So i hope we'll be friends and enjoy these rides together because i hate them lonely rides.
We are going to talk about alot of things....from fashion to people to places to events to emotions to sports to whatever you want to talk about as long as it is real.
Cos here is where it starts....yes, this very place.
No holding back nothing or anything...i want to hear it and we want to know it all......lol
Let's get silly, stupid as long as we are so so so REAL!!!!
With alot of things are going on around the world, people need someone to talk to, without been judged. The world is moving so fast and alot of people seem to be entangled in it. Is like the world is going mad. We sleep with every thing fine and we wake up to see disaster. EVEN THE STRONG IS FALLING. But if you don't want to talk about it, fine but i need to tell you what i'm going through....cos i need want to remain sane. And aside that, i want to tell you about alot of beautiful things, places, events and people who are still beautiful despite all this changes around the world. So, maybe you can hang in there for me....ok?
Being REAL is the best thing to do, cos it is what makes LIFE so very TRUE.
so, be real and be true.

from Gentlehawk,
Bye....4 now.