Thursday, December 15, 2016


Hi guys,

Today I get to touch on a topic I have been deliberately avoiding to write about, POLITICS!

I don't like to talk politics especially when it is in relation to my country, Nigeria. I have tried as much to stay out of any political debates.
The truth is, what exactly do I know about Nigerian politics, though, I may say, I do know a few about the world politics. There are books and documentation to that effect. So don't judge me.

Every time I hear and see how Nigeria politics - "the so called democratic politics" displays itself,  I want to pull out my hair and scream. 
The things, these politicians say, is most embarrassing which makes me wonder how did we end up with people like that in power? 

Well, I'm going to try and stop myself from using adjectives to describe how incompetent and ignorant our politicians are. Maybe not all but majority of them.

I think it is high time we begin to use various assessments - such as psychological, physiological, neurological, medical  assessments...and the likes, to elect people into power.

If these assessments are required in a workplace before you get accepted into a position within a company, tell me, why can't we use them to elect people into roles that has to do with one governing millions of people's lives and destiny. 
After all, been in a position to govern is a place of work in itself so why not treat it as such? Right? 
One can say that running a country is no where close to running a company though there are more similarities than differences. 
It's just crazy when you hear the words coming out of the so-called Nigerian politicians' mouths even some  four year old can do better.
Well, what can I say? Just some stupid random thoughts....