Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed my last blog….but if not, be nice and not say anything. But if you did enjoy my last blabbing then you might enjoy this love poem I found many years ago which I think perfectly summarizes what I’ve been trying to say in the last blog. Though it is may refer to marriage but let’s focus on the relationship part of all this. And if you are mushy as I am then you will love it as I did and mostly importantly, open your heart to understand thing more than I can explain. Well the truth is I don’t proof read my blog, just write it as I think it. Why, you ask? Because I hate perfect and in-the-box, and when I do proof read I change what should be and the fact is this blog is more than me, it’s you, it’s us and being real and true to ourselves.
CHOOSE TO LOVE I married a man I respect, I have no need to bow or defer, I married a man I adore and admire, I don’t need to be handed a list entitle, ‘How to build his ego’ or, ‘The male need for admiration’, Love, worship, loyalty, trust – there are inside me, They motivate my actions, To reduce them to rules destroys my motivation, I choose to serve him, to enjoy him, We choose to live together and grow together, To stretch our capacities for love together, Even when it hurts and look like a conflict, We choose to learn to know each other, As real people, as two unique individuals, Unlike any other two, Our marriage is a commitment to love, To belong to each other, To know and understand, To care, To share ourselves, our goals, our interests, Our desires, our needs, Out of that commitment the action follows.
Peace and out!!! Gentlehawk